Joe Briers

Executive Director

Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying, Member of AICD

Expertise: Commercial Management, Claims Consulting, Quantum Expert Services

Joe is a veteran of the construction industry with over 20 years’ experience working for international main contractors and client organisations in the UK, UAE, New Zealand, and Australia.

Joe has experienced the construction industry from every angle and his hands-on project experience includes leading the commercial function and senior roles within commercial teams on multi-billion-dollar projects.

A proven expert in the commercial management of projects, claims consulting, and the provision of quantum expert services, Joe has supported clients in a variety of sectors including infrastructure, roads, rail, water, energy, renewables, stadia, and mixed-use developments.

Joe’s unique ability to understand client needs has allowed him to negotiate complex problems and provide tailored solutions, all supported by a fact-based approach.

To understand how Joe can help support your project, get in touch.

    • New Build School project, NSW: provision of forensic quantity surveying services in support of the lead expert for multi-million dollar dispute relating to the valuation of variations, delay damages and provisional sums.

    • Road/Highway and Tunnel Project: provision of an independent expert report on matters of quantum relating to the valuation of project preliminaries applied to contract variations. The report was used by the client to negotiate and agree with the Head Contractor on an acceptable level of preliminaries to be applied to variations.

    • EPCM Windfarm project, NSW: provision of expert quantum support on matters of contractual entitlement and quantum between the Principal in a dispute with the EPCM Contractor. The role required the application of forensic quantity surveying for the valuation of work completed and application of valuation mechanisms specified by the contract in dispute.

    • Office refurbishment project, NSW: Provided an independent report on matters of quantum relating to the valuation of the project works and variations for the purpose of an Adjudication application for the Head Contractor in a dispute with the Principal. The role required the application of forensic quantity surveying for the valuation of work completed and application of valuation mechanisms specified by the contract. The Head Contractor secured additional payment for works undertaken on the project and alleviated cash flow pressures.

    • New Build Prison, Victoria: provided expert support on matters of quantum between the Independent Certifier in a dispute with the Trustees (financiers) of a prison redevelopment project in Victoria. The role required the application of forensic quantity surveying for the valuation of work completed and application of forecasting mechanisms specified by the contract in dispute. The disputed value was circa AUD$90m.

    • Overhead transmission lines and Substations project, NSW/VIC/SA: claims manager services to the JV responsible for the delivery of the project under an EPC contract model. Reviewed and provided recommendations to update the claims strategy for the project, managing a multi-disciplinary claims team, identification and preparation of claims including narratives and quantum.

    • Road/Highway project, NSW: Retained by the Head Contractor to prepare and prosecute claims for quantum and time relating to numerous variations to the scope of works on a road/highway project located in Southern NSW. The Head Contractor was able to recover significant additional monies for the works undertaken, improving its commercial position and securing an extension of time. Specific services included the preparation of various claims for time and cost, development of a comprehensive claim documents for submission to the client demonstrating entitlement to time and cost, substantiation of the amounts claimed and reasons for claiming, upskilling of project-based personnel in the preparation of variations and claims.

    • Aged Care project, VIC. Engaged to assist a severely distressed aged care project, which was facing numerous challenges including incurring significant losses and delays. Joe assisted with mitigated losses and strengthening the commercial rigour and processes for the completion of the project. This included a forensic review of project particulars and internal commercial processes, identification and prosecution of variations and investigation of opportunities for further heads of claim and extensions of time and prosecuting of such.

    • Road/Highway project, NSW: retained by the Design and Construct JV on a Northern NSW road/highway project to prosecute an extensive claim for quantum and time relating to various heads of claims. This included latent conditions, the introduction of significant variations to the contract works, float ownership and issues and the client’s approach to quality management. Services provided included an extensive review of entitlement provisions contained within the conditions of contract to justify the JV’s contractual position; setting out the entitlement in an extensive claim document; providing support and guidance to the project team to facilitate the collation of pertinent project information including site diaries, review and analysis of project cost ledger; identifying both direct and in-direct costs; producing cost schedules as part of the claim for quantum. A settlement was agreed between the JV and client using the claim produced.

    • Electrical Substation projects (2nr) NSW: retained by the Design and Construct Joint Venture (JV) consortium to prosecute an extensive claim relating to latent conditions experienced on two separate electrical substation projects in NSW. Services provided included undertaking an extensive review of historic site records and contract documentation to justify the consortium’s contractual position; establishing entitlement in an extensive claim document; providing support and guidance to the project team to facilitate the collation of site diaries; reviewing and analysing the project cost ledger; identifying both direct and in direct costs; producing cost schedules incorporating the costs to be claimed as part of the claim for quantum. As a result of the services provided one of the two projects was converted to a cost reimbursable model following the client’s recognition of the delivery challenges.

    • Medical Facility, NSW: Retained by the Head Contractor and played a key role in the successful preparation of an adjudication application under the Security of Payment Act (NSW) against the Principal. Services included the forensic analysis and quantity surveying of existing variations (combined value of circa AUD $20m) to determine the legitimacy of the claims. This entailed reviewing historical correspondence to determine the veracity of the Head Contractor’s claim; reviewing submitted variations to verify additional scope and rates had been applied correctly; making any necessary updates to variations for inclusion within the adjudication application; considering responses from the Principal regarding non-payment of variations and formulating appropriate responses; undertaking extensive liaison with the legal team to finalise the application. The Head Contractor was awarded a substantial portion of the amounts claimed.

    • Waste Water Treatment Plant, NSW: Retained by the Head Contractor to develop formal responses to numerous claims from the Principal’s Representative relating to alleged defects to water treatment systems. This entailed undertaking a review of technical specifications including fitness for purpose obligations; liaising with design consultants and specialist suppliers to formulate a detailed contractual response to the Client’s Representative to rebut the Principal’s Representative’s claim for defects and damages. The formulated response successfully rebutted the Principal’s Representative’s claim for defects and damages.

    • Road/Highway project, NSW. Retained by the Head Contractor to prepare over 25 contract works insurance claims relating to wet weather damage on a northern NSW road/highway project. This included undertaking a forensic review of site diaries and the project cost ledger to identify both direct and in-direct costs. Costs attributable to each claim were calculated and cost schedules prepared for submission to the insurer. Worked closely with the Head Contractor’s Insurance Manager and assisted with negotiations and settlement of claims with the insurer’s Loss Adjusters. This resulted in the payment of circa 95% of the claimed values by the insurer. Other expertise included supporting the prosecution of outstanding variations and identification of further variations (valued in the range of millions of dollars) to improve the commercial position of the project for the Head Contractor.

    • Ferry Terminal, NSW. Retained by the Head Contractor to assist with commercial and claims management. Resolved numerous project challenges including, mitigating financial losses, defending a claim and adjudication application by the marine piling contractor for delay, disruption and additional costs in conjunction with external legal representation. While the Head Contractor’s actions had gone someway to causing the marine piling contractor to incur losses, services provided mitigated the full material impact. Prosecuted an insurance claim for defective design against the structural steel subcontractor. The steel was manufactured in Vietnam and had significant quality control issues that had to be rectified in Australia. The successful claim reduced the Head Contractor’s losses. Following a forensic review of the project particulars, identified opportunities to prosecute claims including for costs and an extension of time. As a result, losses were mitigated.

    • Copper Mine, SA: Retained by the mine owner / operator to assist with the procurement of a new underground mining services contractor under a relationship / alliancing type arrangement for a large-scale copper mine located in South Australia. Services included preparation of various contract schedules including the Alliance Charter to guide behaviours for the contract; A review of the cost model to determine value for money in the cost reimbursable model; Development of pain / gain share mechanism to facilitate appropriate balance for risk / reward for all parties to the contract; Negotiated key contractual clauses and gained agreement on departures.

    • Tower Crane Operator, NSW. Retained by a tower crane owner / operator to review conditions of contract provided by its clients to determine the obligations and risks. Developed a contract risk profile and appropriate contractual departures and/or mitigation measures to minimise contractual risks.

    • Battery storage project, NSW: Engaged by the supplier of battery storage units for a renewable energy project in NSW and reviewed the contract documents on behalf of the battery unit supplier for the project to determine the obligations and risks. Developed a contract risk profile that identified key risks and obligations, prepared contractual departures and mitigation strategies to minimise exposure to contractual risks.

    • Data Centre Project, Auckland, NSW. Retained by the Head Contractor and prepared a project review report that provided advice to the Head Contractor regarding key risks on a data centre project. This included the identification of key risk areas, actions to mitigate formal disputes with the client and program risks. The report provided advice and guidance to the Head Contractor on matters of relationship management; identification and management of project risks; and strategies to mitigate formal disputes with the client.

    • Rail project, NSW: commercial lead for Southwest Rail Link AUD$2.1b program of works on behalf of TfNSW.

    • Light Rail Project, NSW. Commercial Manager on Sydney Light Rail (CBD and South East) project for the Design & Construct Joint Venture (Civil and Trackwork component) responsible for head contract management.

    • Stadium project, Otago (NZ). Senior Quantity Surveyor on new build 30,000 capacity stadium project responsible for head contract managements and management of key subcontract packages including structural steelwork

    • Mega development, UAE: Senior Quantity Surveyor on mixed use mega developments forming part of the Al Raha Beach masterplan of works.

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