Our experts support clients with all the contractual and commercial matters on a project, at any stage of the contract.

Commercial and Contract Management

We understand each and every project is different.

Each project deals with different stakeholders and different contracts and therefore has the potential to encounter different problems unique to certain situations.

Our experts have provided commercial and contract management support to some of the world’s largest companies, helping them manage cost control, contract negotiations, and risk management to maximise financial efficiency while ensuring compliance with contractual obligations.

Whether engaged at the bid stage, on site for the entire project or in the later stages to help with claims and final account, our experts support clients with all the contractual and commercial matters on a project.

Whether we work on short or long term projects, we are accustomed to touching every step of the project lifecycle, and able to hit the ground running at a moment’s notice, working collaboratively with multi-disciplined teams to get tangible results.


Analytical project management


Commercial and Contract services include:

  • Commercial strategy

  • Forensic quantity surveying

  • Contract administration and management

  • Cost Analysis

  • Contract Interpretation

  • Change Order Assessment

  • Claim management

  • Claims Preparation and Evaluation

  • Risk Management

  • Cost Control and Forecasting

  • Final account


Featured projects


How else we can help

Claims Consulting and ‘Dirty Experts’

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Planning and Programming

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Expert Witness Services

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