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Why the Industry Needs Expert Intervention in the Wake of a Rise in Construction Disputes
The construction industry, a cornerstone of economic growth, is facing a troubling surge in disputes. In Australia, disputes are particularly acute in large infrastructure projects, especially in energy and tunneling, where complexities and cost overruns often lead to contention.
The Rising Tide of Construction Disputes in Australia - A Call for Forensic Expertise
In recent years, the construction industry in Australia has witnessed a troubling increase in disputes, driven by a mix of economic pressures, regulatory challenges, and operational inefficiencies.
Navigate Your Renewable Project With Confidence
Throughout the next decade, there will no doubt be a worldwide increase in the construction of renewable projects due to government stimulus packages.
Behavioural Factors and Their Impact on Construction Project Outcomes
Behaviours and interactions between project stakeholders play a pivotal role in determining the success or failure of a project.
Contractual Conflicts in the Australian Construction Industry
The construction industry in Australia is complex and involves many stakeholders, contracts, and processes. Given the large scale and high stakes of many projects, contractual conflicts are a prevalent source of disputes.
When is the right time to engage an expert?
Engaging an expert may be one of the most valuable decisions Employers or Contractors may make but how exactly can an expert help and when should they be engaged?
Why a Quantity Surveyor should be your next contract administrator
A Quantity Surveyor is a great fit for managing contracts in construction projects because of their specialized skills and deep knowledge of the industry.
Work, site, plant - three definitions you need to know
Construction contracts contain several essential definitions, with three of the most prevalent and occasionally confused being; work, site, and plant.
Unveiling the Power of Contract Resets in Construction
A contract reset can serve as a beacon of hope for employers and contractors motivated to find an amicable solution amid significant delays and cost overruns within construction projects.
The Contract Program and Demonstrating Delay
The term “Contract Program” is often used in reference to the Construction or Contractor’s Program. The Construction (or Contractor’s) Program is basically the execution plan and timeline of how the works under the Contract will be carried out and measured. It should consider the key sequences of work and resource dependencies. It should also, depending on the Contract, identify the critical path and the relationships between the planned activities and interfaces.
Mitigation, Acceleration and Constructive Acceleration
In this article we are going to consider the differences between mitigation, acceleration, and constructive acceleration. The recent case of V601 v Probuild[1] is of interest, as it demonstrates that a constructive acceleration claim can be successful in certain circumstances.
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We are forensic quantum and delay experts not bound by restrictions and bureaucracy, enabling us to easily adapt to rapidly changing landscapes and provide a tailored approach effective to the situation.
We are committed to establishing and nurturing long-term client relationships built on respect, trust and excellence.
Our Vision is to help our clients make confident decisions. We are there to provide guidance and help clients gain a better understanding of the process and situations they find themselves in. That’s why our news and insights features an array of learning articles to help you find the answers to problems you may encounter.